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If you are a gamer or you read gaming news at all, you will probably know of SteamOS. It is a new operating system that Valve is working on for dedicated gaming computers. The Operating system is based on Linux and has a Debian x64 architecture as its base. While this is really cool and I am personally looking forward to the day when I we can use this OS for serious gaming, it is still in the Beta development stages.

如果您是游戏玩家或根本不阅读游戏新闻,则可能会了解SteamOS。 这是Valve正在专用游戏计算机上使用的新操作系统。 该操作系统基于Linux,并以Debian x64架构为基础。 尽管这确实很酷,并且我个人希望能够将这个操作系统用于严肃的游戏,但它仍处于Beta开发阶段。

While this is the case, if you are like me, and you want to get in on the action early just to see what the OS is like, you can use this guide. Trust me, you will need it. There is a bit of tinkering that needs to be done if you want to install it in a VirtualBox VM.

在这种情况下,如果您像我一样,并且想早点开始行动,只是为了了解操作系统的样子,则可以使用本指南。 相信我,您将需要它。 如果要将其安装在VirtualBox VM中,则需要进行一些修补。

准备工作(下载所有工具) (Prep Work (Downloading all your tools))

Before you can even think about Installing SteamOS on your virtual machine, you will need to download a few files. The first one you will need to download is . You will need to navigate to the download page and then select the flavor that corresponds to your OS.

在甚至考虑在您的虚拟机上安装SteamOS之前,您需要下载一些文件。 您需要下载的第一个是 。 您将需要导航到下载页面,然后选择与您的操作系统相对应的样式。


The second download is VirtualBox Additions which can be notoriously difficult to find which is why I recommend rather than trying to find it yourself. Once you get to the download page, click on the option that corresponds with your version of Virtual Box then download the “VBoxGuestAdditions_X.X.X.iso” file. It is normally the sixth item down from the top on the index page. Since this tutorial is using VirtualBox 5.0, you can .

第二个下载是VirtualBox Additions,很难找到它,这就是为什么我建议而不是尝试自己找到它的原因。 进入下载页面后,单击与您的Virtual Box版本相对应的选项,然后下载“ VBoxGuestAdditions_X.XXiso”文件。 它通常是索引页面顶部下方的第六项。 由于本教程使用的是VirtualBox 5.0,因此您可以 。


The last item you need to download before you can install SteamOS is obviously the . Note that this file will be updated whenever a new major build is released.

在安装SteamOS之前,您需要下载的最后一项显然是 。 请注意,只要发布了新的主要版本,此文件就会更新。


设置虚拟机 (Set Up your VM)

Now that you have downloaded all the necessary files, you are ready to begin setting up the virtual machine. Note that you need to follow this section exactly, otherwise your installation will fail. Begin by opening VirtualBox and then clicking on “New” to create a new VM.

现在,您已经下载了所有必需的文件,您可以开始设置虚拟机了。 请注意,您需要完全遵循此部分,否则安装将失败。 首先打开VirtualBox,然后单击“新建”以创建新的VM。


Next, give your OS a name and change the “Type” to Linux then select “Debian (64-bit)” from the “Version” menu. Note that you need to in your BIOS otherwise you will not see this option. When your settings match those in the image below, click on “Next”.

接下来,为您的OS命名,并将“类型”更改为Linux,然后从“版本”菜单中选择“ Debian(64位)”。 请注意,您需要在BIOS中,否则您将不会看到此选项。 当您的设置与下图中的设置匹配时,单击“下一步”。


Now you will need to allot RAM to your VM. While the OS only needs 1-2 Gigs of RAM to run well, I recommend using at least 4 GB because games will often require at least 4. Remember to choose less than half of your computer’s total RAM. After assigning RAM, press the “Next” button to continue.

现在,您需要将RAM分配给VM。 虽然操作系统只需要1-2 Gig的RAM即可正常运行,但我建议使用至少4 GB的内存,因为游戏通常至少需要4 GB的内存。切记,请选择少于计算机总RAM一半的内存。 分配RAM后,按“下一步”按钮继续。


In the next window, you will need to “Create a virtual hard drive now” then press “Create.”



Now you will see a few options for the HDD format. I recommend leaving it in VDI format then press “Next”.

现在,您将看到HDD格式的一些选项。 我建议将其保留为VDI格式,然后按“下一步”。


You can select either of the two options in this screen but I recommend leaving it as a “Dynamically allocated” disk.



Now you need to select a disk size. I personally recommend creating a disk with a minimum of 30 GB of space because you need to remember that you may be downloading game files and will need the extra space. When you are done, press “Create” to finish creating your VM.

现在,您需要选择磁盘大小。 我个人建议创建至少具有30 GB空间的磁盘,因为您需要记住,您可能正在下载游戏文件,并且将需要额外的空间。 完成后,按“创建”以完成创建虚拟机。


编辑您的虚拟机 (Edit your VM)

Now that you have a Steam OS VM set up, you are ready to make a few edits. Select the VM in the list on the left then click on “Settings”.

现在,您已经设置了Steam OS VM,现在可以进行一些编辑了。 在左侧列表中选择虚拟机,然后单击“设置”。


First, you need to go to the “System” page and deselect the “Floppy” drive and then click on the “Enable EFI (special OSes only)” checkbox.



Next, you need to go to the “Display” page and change the video memory settings to 128 MB and then click on the “Enable 3D Acceleration” checkbox.

接下来,您需要转到“显示”页面,并将视频内存设置更改为128 MB,然后单击“启用3D加速”复选框。


Now you need to click on the “Storage” page then choose a disk for booting.



Now you will need to find your SteamOSDVD.iso file that you downloaded earlier and add it to the VM settings by clicking on it then pressing “Open”.



The last setting you need to tweak is under the “Network” page. You will need to change the network adapter to “Bridged Adapter”.

您需要调整的最后一个设置是在“网络”页面下。 您将需要将网络适配器更改为“桥接适配器”。


If, for some reason you receive an error message saying “Invalid settings detected,” leave the adapter as “NAT”.

如果由于某种原因收到错误消息“检测到无效的设置”,请将适配器保留为“ NAT”。


安装Steam OS (Install Steam OS)

Now that you have gotten through all that annoying setup malarkey, you are ready to actually begin installing Steam OS. Begin by pressing the “Start” button in VirtualBox.

既然您已经解决了所有烦人的设置问题,那么您就可以开始实际安装Steam OS了。 首先按下VirtualBox中的“开始”按钮。


Navigate the list and ensure that the “Automated install “WILL ERASE DISK)” option is highlighted then press “Enter”.

浏览列表,并确保突出显示“自动安装(将删除磁盘)”选项,然后按“ Enter”。


If, for some reason, you do not get taken to the screen shown in the image above and instead you see a text based (Shell 2.0) screen with yellow and black text, enter the following string to load the GRUB loader from the image below:

如果由于某种原因而没有进入上图所示的屏幕,而是看到带有黄色和黑色文本的基于文​​本的(Shell 2.0)屏幕,请输入以下字符串以从下图加载GRUB loader :


The program will then begin working and installing the OS as shown below and will reboot when completed. I recommend that you sit around and wait for it to finish since you will need to take quick action when this section of the installation is completed.

程序将如下所示开始工作并安装操作系统,完成后将重新启动。 我建议您坐在那里等待它完成,因为在安装的这一部分完成后,您将需要快速采取措施。


When it’s done installing, your VM will reboot and you will see a screen with two options. You will need to select the “Recovery mode” option. If you do happen to leave and you miss the screen shown in the next step, you will just need to reset the VM. Simply click on “Machine” on the top left of the window then select “Reset”. Alternately, you can press:

安装完成后,您的VM将重新启动,您将看到一个包含两个选项的屏幕。 您将需要选择“恢复模式”选项。 如果您确实要离开,而错过了下一步显示的屏幕,则只需重置虚拟机。 只需单击窗口左上方的“机器”,然后选择“重置”。 或者,您可以按:

After you have rebooted the system in Recovery mode, you will see a command line prompt where you will need to uninstall the NVidia driver package that comes with the installation by typing:


apt-get purge “.*nvidia.*”

Note that there is a space before and after the word PURGE. If you miss the space, you will see an error message like the one in the image below:

请注意,单词PURGE之前和之后都有一个空格。 如果您错过空间,则会在下图中看到一条错误消息:


A bunch of lines will run up the screen and you will eventually be given a prompt to which you need to reply yes or no. Simply type the letter “y” and press enter.

一堆线将在屏幕上显示,最终将提示您是否需要回答是或否。 只需输入字母“ y”,然后按Enter。


After the screen scrolls down again and you finally get back to a command line where you can enter text, you will need to enter the following string to generate a new configuration file:


dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg
dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg

Note that you will not see any confirmation as to whether the command worked. It will just open a new command line.

请注意,您将看不到有关该命令是否有效的任何确认。 它只会打开一个新的命令行。


Now you are ready to install the VirtualBox additions. Click on the “Devices” button on the top of the VirtualBox window and select the “Insert Guest Additions CD Image” option.

现在您准备安装VirtualBox附加功能。 单击VirtualBox窗口顶部的“设备”按钮,然后选择“插入来宾添加CD映像”选项。


No confirmation will appear but you will now need to type the following string to mount the image. Note that there is a space between “mount” and “/dev” then another space between “/cdrom” and “/media”.

不会出现确认,但您现在需要输入以下字符串来装入映像。 注意,“ mount”和“ / dev”之间有一个空格,然后在“ / cdrom”和“ / media”之间有另一个空格。

mount /dev/cdrom /media/cdrom

After you press “Enter” you will see a message about how the disk is write protected and was mounted as read only. That means you did it right.

按“ Enter”后,您将看到一条有关磁盘如何被写保护以及如何以只读方式安装的消息。 这意味着您做对了。


Now you need to type the following string with a space between “sh” and “/media” then press “Enter”.

现在,您需要输入以下字符串,并在“ sh”和“ / media”之间加一个空格,然后按“ Enter”。

sh /media/cdrom/VBoxLinuxAdditions.run
sh /media/cdrom/VBoxLinuxAdditions.run

The additions will be installed now the reason you are doing this is so that you have the right video drivers for your VM. When it is done, which can take anywhere from 2-10 minutes, you can type:

现在将安装这些附加组件,原因是这样做的原因是为了使您拥有适用于VM的正确视频驱动程序。 完成后,可能需要2到10分钟的时间,您可以输入:


Now that the VM has rebooted you will be taken to the GRUB bootloader and you can choose the normal SteamOS option instead of recovery mode.



The screen will go black for a little while then you may or may not be taken to a login screen. If you do see the login screen, just type “Steam” as the username and login. Once you login, steam will connect to the Internet and automatically begin downloading any updates that are available. This can take a while depending on the speed of your Internet connection.

屏幕将变黑一会儿,然后您可能会或可能不会进入登录屏幕。 如果您看到登录屏幕,只需输入“ Steam”作为用户名并登录。 登录后,steam将连接到Internet并自动开始下载所有可用更新。 这可能需要一段时间,具体取决于Internet连接的速度。


When it is done downloading, it will automatically install any updates it downloads. In essence, it will reinstall SteamOS. The image below is just one of the many screens that will come and go during the installation of all the updates.

完成下载后,它将自动安装其下载的所有更新。 本质上,它将重新安装SteamOS。 下图只是在安装所有更新期间出现或出现的众多屏幕之一。


Eventually you will be given the option to reboot the OS. DO IT!!!!

最终,您将获得重启操作系统的选项。 做吧!!!!


Now that your system reboots, you will see a fancy new Steam OS splash screen that will linger for a while.

现在您的系统重新启动,您将看到一个精美的新Steam OS启动画面,该画面会持续一段时间。


After a few minutes, it should disappear though, and you will be taken to a blank screen which is really annoying! Don’t get scared though; you didn’t do anything wrong. Simply press “Ctrl + Alt + F2.” To open a command prompt window where you can enter “Desktop” as the login name. After that, you will need to enter:

几分钟后,它应该消失了,您将被带到一个黑屏,真是令人讨厌! 但是不要害怕。 你没做错任何事。 只需按“ Ctrl + Alt + F2”。 要打开命令提示符窗口,您可以在其中输入“桌面”作为登录名。 之后,您需要输入:

sudo dpkg-reconfigure lightdm
sudo dpkg-reconfigure lightdm

Next, select the “gdm3” from the list and type:

接下来,从列表中选择“ gdm3”并键入:

sudo reboot

Choose “SteamOS Desktop” and login.

选择“ SteamOS桌面”并登录。


Now you can start using the OS. If the Steam program does not launch you need to press “Alt + F2” to open a dialog box where you will enter:

现在您可以开始使用操作系统了。 如果Steam程序没有启动,则需要按“ Alt + F2”以打开一个对话框,您将在其中输入:


In the terminal, just type the word “steam”. Accept the terms of use and login using your Steam account.

在终端中,只需输入单词“ steam ”。 接受使用条款并使用您的Steam帐户登录。



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